Tag Archives: Police Failures

Argentina: Lesbian Higui acquitted after brutal attack and attempted corrective rape

Higui speaks after being acquitted of manslaughter, having defended herself during a brutal and traumatic attack and attempted corrective rape.

On October 16, 2016, Argentinian woman Eva Analía De Jesús, better known as Higui, was walking through the Buenos Aires town of Bella Vista when a group of men attacked her because of her sexual orientation. Higui — who was given that nickname because she was a soccer player and had curls like the Colombian René Higuita — told the police and later the judges that her attackers beat her and tried to rape her. “I’m going to make you feel like a woman…a lesbian,” Cristian Rubén Espósito told her, according to his account. She took out a knife and plunged it into his chest. She fainted and when she regained consciousness she was arrested. Despite the fact that she reported an attempted corrective gang rape and that she was found unconscious by police officers, with torn clothing and numerous injuries from beating, her allegations were never investigated. She was charged with simple murder and spent almost eight months in jail. This Thursday she was aquitted.

El 16 de octubre de 2016, la argentina Eva Analía De Jesús, más conocida como Higui, caminaba por la localidad bonaerense de Bella Vista cuando un grupo de hombres la atacó debido a su orientación sexual. Higui —a quien le pusieron ese apodo por ser futbolista y tener rulos como el colombiano René Higuita— contó ante la policía y después ante los jueces que sus agresores la golpearon e intentaron violarla. “Te voy a hacer sentir mujer, forra, lesbiana”, le dijo Cristian Rubén Espósito, según su relato. Ella sacó una navaja y se la clavó en el pecho. Se desvaneció y cuando recuperó la conciencia estaba detenida. A pesar de que ella denunció un intento de violación grupal correctiva y que fue encontrada inconsciente por los policías, con la ropa rota y numerosos golpes, sus acusaciones nunca se investigaron. Fue acusada de homicidio simple y pasó casi ocho meses encarcelada, pero este jueves un tribunal dictó su absolución.

Continue reading at: https://elpais.com/sociedad/2022-03-18/absuelta-higui-la-argentina-que-mato-al-hombre-que-intento-violarla-por-ser-lesbiana.html (Source)

Previous articles:

USA: Boise 7 fired for lesbianism in police force in 1977 – telling their story

Image courtesy of Sarah Ward

BOISE, Idaho — An all-female production crew is working on a documentary telling the story of ‘The Boise 7’.

In 1977, seven women — Mary Morris, Janine Townsend, Lavonne Woody, Vardell Laursen, Judith Baker, Theresa Silva, and Sue Krohn — were fired from the Boise Police Department for “suspected lesbianism.” The firing followed an internal investigation where the seven were wiretapped on a telephone used for personal conversations. The wiretap was later ruled illegal by a judge.

Mary Morris was Boise’s first female patrol officer.

Sue Krohn said her supervisor at the time called her into his office where he played a recording of a phone call between Krohn and another woman. The call was recorded on a phone designated for personal calls.

“I said, ‘What is this all about?’, and he said some of the women had been inappropriate, I think is the word he used at that time with me, at work so we’ve let them go, and I don’t think you’re a part of it, I don’t think you’re a lesbian, but you lived in the house with all these women and plus that phone call — you need to make a decision. Either you can quit, or we’ll terminate you.”

The story quickly garnered national attention. The women had to not only deal with being fired but also being publicly forced out of the closet.

“I couldn’t tell my parents, but I had to. I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to tell them I was gay, that I was fired, and then my dad disowned me. He wouldn’t talk to me. It was too much. I couldn’t deal with that,” said Janine Townsend.

Continue reading at: https://www.kivitv.com/news/the-boise-7-were-fired-from-boise-police-for-suspected-lesbianism-now-an-all-female-team-is-sharing-their-story (Source)

Mexico: feminist groups demand justice for a victim of anti-lesbian sexual violence

September 2020:

After a 23-year old woman was sexually assaulted in her own home in the city of Cancun, feminist groups classified the act as a lesbophobic crime due to the victim’s sexual orientation.

According to the police report, the victim’s partner went shopping at a store, and upon returning found her unconscious in the bathroom and bleeding.

The feminists explained that Fabiola had filed other complaints for sexual violence, leading to their complaint that the authorities did not properly apply the security protocols and that protection measures did not prevent the repetition of the attacks against her.

Continue reading at: https://www.poresto.net/quintana-roo/2020/9/9/colectivos-feministas-exigen-esclarecer-caso-de-abuso-sexual-de-una-mujer-en-cancun-8679.html (Source)

Chechnya: lesbian alleges police inaction on torture report

September 2020:

The Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs did not initiate a case after the statement of Chechen woman Aminat Lorsanova about her torture because of her sexual orientation, reports Mediazona.

The lesbian from Chechnya complained to the Prosecutor General’s Office about the inaction of the TFR in January 2020. Aminat Lorsanova demanded to open a criminal case of torture, in which she accused her parents, a family friend and the staff of the borderline clinic. According to the victim, upon learning that she was lesbian, all these people tried to “drive the genie out of her.”

The victim said that in 2018 she was twice placed in psychiatric hospitals, where she was beaten and tortured, an acquaintance of her parents who visited her in the clinic also read verses from the Koran at the same time, and her father forcibly injected her with tranquilizers, sealed her mouth, put handcuffs on her and put her to sleep. In April 2019, the girl fled Russia; in January 2020 she filed a complaint with the police, and a month later she complained to the Prosecutor General’s Office about the inaction of the police.

МВД Чечни не стало возбуждать дело после заявления чеченки Аминат Лорсановой о пытках из-за её сексуальной ориентации, сообщает «Медиазона».

Лесбиянка из Чечни пожаловалась в Генпрокуратуру на бездействие СКРАминат Лорсанова в январе 2020 года потребовала возбудить уголовное дело о пытках, в которых обвинила своих родителей, знакомого семьи и персонал клиники пограничных состояний. По словам девушки, узнав о том, что она гомосексуальна, все эти люди пытались «изгнать из неё джинна».

Девушка рассказала, что в 2018 году её дважды помещали в психиатрические стационары, где её избивали и пытали, знакомый родителей, навестивший её в клинике, ещё и читал при этом стихи из Корана, а отец насильно колол ей транквилизаторы, заклеивал рот, надевал наручники и заставлял спать. В апреле 2019 года девушка сбежала из России, в январе 2020 года подала заявление в полицию, а спустя месяц пожаловалась в Генпрокуратуру на бездействие полицейских.

Continue reading at: https://stav.aif.ru/society/law/mvd_ne_vozbudilo_delo_po_zayavleniyu_chechenki_o_pytkah_iz-za_gomoseksualnosti (Source)

Chile: lesbophobic crimes, invisibilised by the state


By Anita Peña Saavedra

In 2008, María Pía Castro was 19 years old when she was found burned in Limache. To this day, no culprit for her murder has been identified. Her case, unfortunately, was closed ten years ago. In 2016, a man kidnapped and murdered Nicole Saavedra, 23, who was found days later with signs of torture and sexual violence. A year later, in San Felipe, 22-year-old Susana Sanhueza was also killed. That same year in August, DJ Anna Cook was raped, strangled, and beaten but her death was categorised as an overdose. What all of them have in common is having been lesbians and that their deaths were cloaked in silence and impunity, as with other unsolved hate-based killings.

However, despite the cruelty in the execution of these crimes, it was not until this year, with the recently expanded definition of femicide, that murders like these could be counted as sex-based crimes. But violence against lesbians has always been devoid of even minimal legal protection. And international recommendations, which treaty monitoring organisations such as Belém Do Para and the IACHR have been giving around due diligence of crimes against women, continue to be ignored.


En 2008, María Pía Castro tenía 19 años cuando fue encontrada calcinada en Limache. Hasta hoy no hay ningún culpable por su asesinato. Su caso, lamentablemente, se cerró hace diez años. En 2016, un hombre secuestró y asesinó a Nicole Saavedra, de 23 años, quien fue encontrada días después con signos de tortura y violencia sexual. Un año después, en San Felipe, Susana Sanhueza de 22 años también fue asesinada. Ese mismo año en agosto, la DJ Anna Cook fue violada, estrangulada y golpeada. Pero su muerte fue catalogada por sobredosis. Todas ellas tienen en común haber sido lesbianas y que en sus muertes existe un manto de silencio e impunidad, como en otros asesinatos motivados por el odio y que aún no encuentran justicia.

Sin embargo, pese a la crueldad en la ejecución de estos delitos, no fue hasta este año, con la reciente publicación de la nueva tipificación de femicidio que asesinatos como estos podrán ser contabilizados como crímenes por razones de género. Pero la violencia en contra de las lesbianas siempre ha estado desprovista de la protección legal mínima. Y se siguen desoyendo recomendaciones internacionales, que los órganos de vigilancia de los tratados como Belém Do Para y la CIDH ha venido dando en torno a la debida diligencia de los delitos en contra de las mujeres.

Continue reading at: https://www.elmostrador.cl/braga/2020/07/09/crimenes-de-lesbo-odio-una-realidad-invisibilizada-por-el-estado/ (Source)

ILD: Sheroes and the lesbian Stonewall

By Karla Jay

Armed with garbage bags, brooms and big mouths, we resisted the goons’ oppressive authority — our incredible moxie mirroring the rebellion at Stonewall. We had been beaten, risked serious injury and death for the privilege and joy of an all-women’s dance.

No mainstream media outlet reported on this assault, not even the Village Voice, which had covered the Stonewall Rebellion. The only story about our defiance that night was written by me in Rat Subterranean News.

The courage of the discarded, disrespected, and sometimes homeless street people who fought back at the Stonewall Inn must be honored. But a half century later, some acknowledgment and appreciation must be given to the GLF women who risked our lives to create an alternative to the Stonewalls and Kooky’s that had dominated our social lives.

It seems so matter of fact today to want to dance with whoever you want to — and surely, we will party again when we defeat this pandemic. But we GLF lesbians risked prison and payback to dance together 50 years ago, proving that sisterhood is powerful.

Continue reading at: https://www.losangelesblade.com/2020/05/15/sheroes-the-lesbian-stonewall/ (Source)

Chile: Special forces detain and torture two young lesbians


Last weekend (28-29 March 2020) in the Bío Bío region, the National Institute of Human Rights (NHRI) filed a criminal complaint against those who are responsible for the torture of two young lesbians on March 12, when they were arbitrarily detained, violently attacked in a political and sexualised manner, on public roads, in the police car and police station, by male and female officers of the Special Forces from Coronel and Conception.

The victims are Monserrat P and Priscila P, who allege they were strangled, had their heads hit and kicked, were pepper sprayed on their mouth and eyes, were forced to strip and squat, among other allegations.

These attack resulted in Monserrat having a broken finger, being threatened that they would “throw her into the river”, in addition to the obvious psychological harm.

El pasado fin de semana, el Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos (INDH) de la región del Bío Bío presentó una querella criminal en el Juzgado de Garantía de Coronel, contra quienes resulten responsables del delito de torturas del que fueron víctimas dos jóvenes lesbianas el pasado 12 de marzo, al ser detenidas de forma arbitraria, recibiendo violentas agresiones de carácter político sexual, tanto en la vía pública como dentro del carro y comisaría policial, por parte de efectivos policiales hombres y mujeres de Fuerzas Especiales, de las comunas de Coronel y Concepción.

Las afectadas son Monserrat P y Priscila P, quienes denuncian haber sido ahorcadas, golpeadas en la cabeza con puño y pie, rociadas con gas pimienta en boca y ojos, forzadas a desnudarse y hacer sentadillas, entre otras vejaciones.

Estas agresiones resultaron con una fractura de dedo en el caso de Monserrat, una amenaza con “tirarla al río”, además de los evidentes daños psicológicos.

Continue reading at: https://www.eldesconcierto.cl/2020/03/31/indh-presenta-querella-contra-carabineros-por-torturas-a-joven-lesbiana-en-comisaria-de-coronel/ (Source)

Support Higui, Argentinian lesbian on trial

Gofundme campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/help-support-higui-argentinian-lesbian-on-trial

In 2016 in Argentina, Higui (Eva Analía de Jesús) was attacked by a group of men when visiting a friend in her home and defended herself from corrective rape.

After years of ongoing harassment for being lesbian, including being attacked and stoned, having her home burned and her pet killed, she was set upon by the three men, one of whom attempted to rape her for being lesbian.  Higui defended herself and her attacker was killed – she is now on trial for his death.

Higui was initially jailed while awaiting trial but was freed 8 months later, after public pressure.

Higui has faced ongoing violent lesbophobia in her community.

Listening2Lesbians is raising money to support her and demonstrate the worldwide solidarity we feel for her as lesbians and lesbian allies.

En 2016 en Argentina, Higui (Eva Analía de Jesús) fue atacada por un grupo de hombres cuando visitaba a una amiga en su casa y se defendió de una violación correctiva.

Después de años de hostigamiento continuo por ser lesbiana, incluyendo ser atacada y lapidada, quemar su casa y matar a su mascota, fue atacada por los tres hombres, uno de los cuales intentó violarla por ser lesbiana. Higui se defendió y su atacante resultó muerto ahora ahora está en juicio por ello.

Inicialmente, Higui fue encarcelada mientras esperaba el juicio, pero fue liberado 8 meses después, después de la presión pública.

Higui se ha enfrentado a una lesbofobia violenta en su comunidad.

Listening2Lesbians está recaudando dinero para apoyarla y demostrar la solidaridad mundial que sentimos por ella como lesbianas y aliadas lesbianas.

Update March 2022: Argentina: Lesbian Higui acquitted after brutal attack and attempted corrective rape

Argentina: Higui, lesbian accused of murder in corrective rape case to face court


UPDATE: Argentina: Lesbian Higui acquitted after brutal attack and attempted corrective rape
There are four weeks left before the trial against Higui begins. Analía De Jesús, Argentina, 45, born in Haedo on June 7, 1974, is on trial for defending herself against corrective rape for being lesbian. On Mother’s Day 2016 (October 16), Higui went to visit her sister Mariana in the Lomas de Mariló neighborhood. That day, a group of men who had already attacked her on other occasions for being “chonga” (butch) surrounded her when she left a hallway. They threw her on the floor with a punch. One of them lowered her pants and ripped her boxers. Higui stabbed the rapist with a knife she had in her clothes to defend herself.

The other men began to kick her, while she protected her mostly curled up body as if it were a ball, covering her head with her arms. She was kicked very hard around her arms and shoulders, kidneys, genitals and perineum. While they beat her, Higui lost consciousness. Hours later, the flashlight and the screaming of the police officers woke her up. No one wanted to hear that Analía De Jesús defended herself from rape. “Who is going to want to rape you, black and fat?” the police mocked her. “I didn’t understand anything,” Higui recalls. “From one moment to another I was stunned by the pain, and stripped of all dignity, in a dungeon in Bella Vista”, accused of homicide although they hadn’t even informed her.  I didn’t know the aggressor was dead.

Higui waits in freedom for the trial that will take place between February 17 and 20 in Court No. 7 of San Martín. There is a defence request to postpone the debate until April, but the court has not yet responded.

Faltan cuatro semanas para que comience el juicio contra Higui. Analía De Jesús, argentina, 45 años, nacida en Haedo el 7 de junio de 1974, está procesada por defenderse de una violación correctiva por ser lesbiana. El Día de la Madre de 2016 (16 de octubre), Higui fue a visitar a su hermana Mariana en el barrio Lomas de Mariló. Aquel día, un grupo de hombres que ya la habían atacado en otras oportunidades por “chonga” (lesbiana masculina), la rodearon cuando salía de un pasillo. La tiraron al piso de una trompada. Uno de ellos le bajó los pantalones y le rompió el bóxer. Higui se defendió clavándole al violador un cuchillo que llevaba entre las ropas para defenderse.

Los demás hombres comenzaron a asestarle patadas, mientras ella protegía su cuerpo menudo enrollada como si fuera una bolita, cubriendo la cabeza con los brazos. La patearon muy fuerte en la zona de brazos y hombros, riñones, genitales y perineo. Mientras la golpeaban, Higui perdió la conciencia. Horas después, la despertaron la linterna y el griterío de los policías. Nadie quiso escuchar que Analía De Jesús se defendió de una violación. “¿Quién te va a querer violar a vos, negra, gorda?”, se burlaban los policías. “Yo no entendía nada”, recuerda Higui. De un momento a otro estaba aturdida de dolor, y despojada de toda dignidad, en un calabozo de Bella Vista. Acusada de homicidio. Aunque ni siquiera se lo habían informado. No sabía que el agresor estaba muerto.

Higui espera en libertad el juicio que se llevará a cabo entre el 17 y el 20 de febrero en el Tribunal Nº7 de San Martín. Hay un pedido de la defensa de postergar el debate hasta abril, pero el tribunal aún no respondió.

Continue reading at: https://www.pagina12.com.ar/243430-se-viene-el-juicio-a-higui-acusada-por-defenderse (Source)

More information:

Guatemalan lesbian fled death threats and corrective rape

Marveny Suchite

Marveny Suchite hurriedly left Guatemala last November. She later told an American official that she had received death threats for being a lesbian, according to the formal notes taken by the authorities, to which Reuters had access.

Her mother warned her that there were people who were going to look for her, she told Reuters, explaining that they were “macho.” Suchite fled that day.

She had been beaten and raped before, first by close members of her family and then by strangers in an alley where he was ordered to “stop” being gay, according to the official’s notes that review asylum procedures.

She says she got pregnant after the attack in that alley and then, when she tried to report the rape to the police, they laughed at her.

Suchite dejó apresuradamente Guatemala en noviembre pasado. Más tarde le dijo a un funcionario estadounidense que había recibido amenazas a su vida por ser lesbiana, según las notas formales que tomó la autoridad y a las que Reuters tuvo acceso.

Su madre le advirtió que había personas que irían a buscarla, dijo a Reuters, explicando que eran “machistas”. Suchite huyó ese día.

Antes ya había sido golpeada y violada, primero por miembros cercanos de su familia y después por extraños en un callejón donde le ordenaron que “dejara” de ser gay, de acuerdo a las notas del funcionario que revisa los procedimientos de asilo.

Cuenta que quedó embarazada tras los ataques en ese callejón y que luego, cuando intentó reportar la violación ante la policía, se rieron de ella.

Continue reading at: https://lta.reuters.com/articulo/eeuu-migrantes-caravana-lgbt-idLTAKBN1WP2QZ (Source)

Chile: mother denounces unsolved 2017 rape and murder of lesbian daughter DJ Anna Cook

Ana María Villarroel

The death of Ana María Villarroel was recorded on August 2, 2017 inside the house she shared on Tranquila Street in Providencia. From that day her mother has said that her death occurred under “unclear” circumstances.

Villarroel, better known as Anna Cook, worked as a DJ at various parties. According to Kattia González – mother of the young woman – many people think that her daughter died as a result of an overdose, however, this week it was revealed that the 2017 Legal Medical Service (SML) results had shown that she was raped, strangled and beaten to the point of five broken ribs.

“My daughter Ana María was a lesbian, that everyone knows and knew. There is no way she has consciously or unconsciously messed with a man, there is no chance,” she said. In addition, she added that with the information provided he does not seek to blame anyone for the death of his daughter, “but it is clear that she did not die of an overdose”.


La muerte de Ana María Villarroel se registró el 2 de agosto de 2017 al interior de la vivienda que compartía en la calle Tranquila en Providencia. Desde aquel día que su madre asegura que su fallecimiento se produjo bajo circunstancias “poco claras”.

Villarroel, más conocida como Anna Cook, se desempeñaba como DJ en diversas fiestas. De acuerdo a Kattia González -madre de la joven- muchas personas piensan que su hija falleció producto de una sobredosis, sin embargo, esta semana reveló que los resultados del Servicio Médico Legal (SML) indican que fue violada, estrangulada y golpeada hasta el punto de quebrarle cinco costillas.

“Mi hija Ana María era lesbiana, eso todo el mundo lo sabe y lo sabía. No existe forma de que ella se haya metido consciente o inconscientemente con un hombre, no hay ninguna posibilidad”, aseguró. Además, añadió que con la información entregada no busca culpar a nadie de la muerte de su hija, “pero es claro que ella no murió de una sobredosis”.

Continue reading at: https://www.pagina7.cl/notas/actualidad/2019/09/28/madre-denuncio-el-asesinato-y-violacion-de-su-hija-dj-han-pasado-dos-anos-y-aun-no-hay-detenidos.shtml (Source)

Additional information: When a lesbian dies: the search for justice for Nicole Saavedra and DJ Anna Cook

Update: Brazilian court considering trial for police accused of killing Luana Barbosa in 2016

Luana Barbosa 2

The court heard this week from the three military police officers accused of beating to death Luana Barbosa dos Reis , 34, a non-feminine black, lesbian and marginalised woman, in front of her her 14-year-old son, and will decide in the next few days whether to take or not the defendants will go to trial.

According to witnesses and Luana herself, in a video recorded before her death, she was beaten during a police raid on the night of April 8, 2016, in the Jardim Paiva II neighbourhood, one of the outskirts of Ribeirão Preto, 312 km from the city of São Paulo, nicknamed “Brazilian California” or “national agribusiness capital”. Five days later, Luana died in the hospital. The cause of death was a cerebral ischaemia caused by traumatic brain injury.

According to witnesses, at the time of approach Luana Barbosa demanded the presence of a female police officer to conduct the search. To show that she was a woman, Luana lifted her shirt. At that moment she was punched and kicked that knocked her to the ground. This is the same version told by Luana Barbosa’s family three years ago.

A Justiça ouviu nesta semana os três policiais militares acusados de espancar até a morte Luana Barbosa dos Reis, 34 anos, mulher não feminilizada, negra, lésbica e periférica, diante do filho dela de 14 anos, e deve decidir nos próximos dias se leva ou não os réus a júri popular.

Segundo relatos de testemunhas e da própria Luana, num vídeo gravado antes de sua morte, a jovem foi espancada durante uma abordagem policial na noite de 8 de abril de 2016, no bairro Jardim Paiva II, uma das periferias de Ribeirão Preto, cidade a 312 km da capital paulista, apelidada de “Califórnia brasileira” ou “capital nacional do agronegócio”. Cinco dias depois, Luana morreu no hospital. A causa da morte foi uma isquemia cerebral causada por traumatismo crânio encefálico.

Segundo as testemunhas, no momento da abordagem Luana Barbosa exigiu a presença de uma policial mulher para realizar a revista. Para mostrar que era mulher, Luana levantou a camiseta. Nesse momento ela levou um soco e um chute que a derrubaram no chão. É a mesma versão contada pela família de Luana Barbosa há três anos.

Continue reading at: https://ponte.org/pms-acusados-de-matar-luana-barbosa-culpam-vitima-e-poder-dos-direitos-humanos/ (Source)

Original article: Brazil: state murder of lesbian remains unpunished 3 years later

Germany: Lesbophobia persists even in hip Berlin

L2L Germany

Lesbians have two vulnerable characteristics: they are women and they are homosexual. They are therefore disregarded by people for two reasons. This double vulnerability is there, no matter where in Europe, in the world she moves with and belongs to the family.

The police arrive within minutes, the boys are highly motivated to grab the guy. They ask Anna in the patrol car and comb through the streets of Moabit. Unfortunately, in vain.

Afterwards, we ask ourselves: why did not the other people at the bus stop help? There are three buses and the Ringbahn at this station, there were at least 15 people. No one asked if we were okay, nobody took pictures, nobody called the police. Nothing.

The BVG wants to make the video recordings of our bus available, but then accidentally pulls out the wrong pictures. The relevant recordings will be deleted according to the privacy policy. The preliminary investigation against the unknown man is finally stopped.

The offence is assault. Nowhere is it mentioned that we are lesbian, although we have said it, although it is clear that we are the child’s parents. Nevertheless, it is not recorded that it was a homophobic offence.

Lesben haben zwei verwundbare Eigenschaften: Sie sind Frauen und sie sind homosexuell. Sie werden also aus zwei Gründen von Menschen missachtet. Diese doppelte Verwundbarkeit ist da, egal wo in Europa, auf der Welt, sie zieht mit und gehört quasi zur Familie.

Die Polizei ist binnen Minuten vor Ort, die Jungs sind hochmotiviert, den Typen zu schnappen. Sie bitten Anna in den Streifenwagen und durchkämmen die Straßen von Moabit. Leider vergeblich.

Hinterher fragen wir uns: Warum haben die anderen Leute an der Bushaltestelle nicht geholfen? Es fahren drei Busse und die Ringbahn an dieser Station, da waren mindestens 15 Leute. Keiner hat sich erkundigt, ob es uns gut geht, keiner hat Fotos gemacht, keiner hat die Polizei gerufen. Nichts.

Die BVG will die Videoaufnahmen von unserem Bus zur Verfügung stellen, zieht dann aber aus Versehen die falschen Bilder raus. Die relevanten Aufnahmen werden gemäß Datenschutz gelöscht. Das Ermittlungsverfahren gegen unbekannt wird schließlich eingestellt.

Die Straftat lautet Körperverletzung. Dass wir lesbisch sind, wird nirgends erwähnt, obwohl wir es gesagt haben, obwohl klar ist, dass wir die Eltern des Kindes sind. Trotzdem wird nicht aufgenommen, dass es eine homophobe Straftat war.

Continue reading at: https://taz.de/Lesbenfeindlicher-Uebergriff/!5607418/ (Source)

Brazil: state murder of lesbian remains unpunished 3 years later

Luana Barbosa

After three years of Luana Barbosa’s murder, the case is still in the judicial process without effectively holding the aggressors accountable. Black, lesbian, mother and outlier, Luana was killed at age 34 due to brain injuries caused by three military police officers who beat her in the corner of her house, in the Jardim Paiva II neighbourhood, in the northern area of ​​Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo state). The assaults took place after Luana refused to be checked by the soldiers of the 51st Military Police Battalion (PM), demanding a female police presence. She was sent to the Emergency Unit of the Hospital de Clínicas (HC-EU), but died five days after the violence.

Luego de tres años del asesinato de Luana Barbosa, el caso aún sigue en proceso judicial sin responsabilizar efectivamente a los agresores. Negra, lesbiana, madre y periférica, Luana fue asesinada a los 34 años por lesiones cerebrales provocadas por tres policías militares que la golpearon en la esquina de su casa, en el barrio Jardim Paiva II, zona Norte de Ribeirão Preto (estado de São Paulo). Las agresiones ocurrieron después de que Luana se rehusó a ser revisada por los soldados del 51º Batallón de la Policía Militar (PM), exigiendo una presencia policial femenina. Ella fue encaminada la Unidad de Emergencia del Hospital de Clínicas (HC-UE), pero murió cinco días después de la violencia.

Continue reading at: https://kaosenlared.net/brasil-madre-negra-y-lesbiana-asesinato-de-luana-barbosa-sigue-impune-luego-de-tres-anos/ (Source)

Update: Update: Brazilian court considering trial for police accused of killing Luana Barbosa in 2016

Florida, US: Pipebomb accused identified but not arrested over alleged attack on lesbian couple


The Miami Herald reports that lesbian couple Indiana Parra and Rimbow Gomez were riding a moped together on March 16 when they allegedly had urine thrown at them by a man driving a white Dodge Ram van covered in extreme political stickers. The couple say that the man pulled alongside their moped and threw two cups of urine at them, soaking Gomez, before yelling, “Get off the road, dykes!” The two women explained that when they pulled away, the man chased them in his van, swerving in an apparent attempt to run them off the road.

Police identified Cesar Sayoc but didn’t arrest him.

Continue reading at: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2018/11/30/cesar-sayoc-pipe-bomb-lesbian-urine/ (Source)

Chicago, USA: Police fail to act on hate crime against lesbian minor


teenager in Chicago was brutally attacked this past Tuesday, but police haven’t arrested any of the attackers. Now her mom is speaking out for her.

Amari Graves, 15, was walking to a store in her West Side neighborhood when she was attacked by a classmate and several adults.  “They all got out and walked up to me,” Amari said. She said that she recognized one of the people approaching her as another girl from her school, and the rest of the people were adults.

Continue reading at: https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2018/08/police-didnt-arrest-lesbian-girls-adult-attackers-now-angry-mom-stepping/ (Source)