Chile: mother denounces unsolved 2017 rape and murder of lesbian daughter DJ Anna Cook

Ana María Villarroel

The death of Ana María Villarroel was recorded on August 2, 2017 inside the house she shared on Tranquila Street in Providencia. From that day her mother has said that her death occurred under “unclear” circumstances.

Villarroel, better known as Anna Cook, worked as a DJ at various parties. According to Kattia González – mother of the young woman – many people think that her daughter died as a result of an overdose, however, this week it was revealed that the 2017 Legal Medical Service (SML) results had shown that she was raped, strangled and beaten to the point of five broken ribs.

“My daughter Ana María was a lesbian, that everyone knows and knew. There is no way she has consciously or unconsciously messed with a man, there is no chance,” she said. In addition, she added that with the information provided he does not seek to blame anyone for the death of his daughter, “but it is clear that she did not die of an overdose”.


La muerte de Ana María Villarroel se registró el 2 de agosto de 2017 al interior de la vivienda que compartía en la calle Tranquila en Providencia. Desde aquel día que su madre asegura que su fallecimiento se produjo bajo circunstancias “poco claras”.

Villarroel, más conocida como Anna Cook, se desempeñaba como DJ en diversas fiestas. De acuerdo a Kattia González -madre de la joven- muchas personas piensan que su hija falleció producto de una sobredosis, sin embargo, esta semana reveló que los resultados del Servicio Médico Legal (SML) indican que fue violada, estrangulada y golpeada hasta el punto de quebrarle cinco costillas.

“Mi hija Ana María era lesbiana, eso todo el mundo lo sabe y lo sabía. No existe forma de que ella se haya metido consciente o inconscientemente con un hombre, no hay ninguna posibilidad”, aseguró. Además, añadió que con la información entregada no busca culpar a nadie de la muerte de su hija, “pero es claro que ella no murió de una sobredosis”.

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Additional information: When a lesbian dies: the search for justice for Nicole Saavedra and DJ Anna Cook

2 responses to “Chile: mother denounces unsolved 2017 rape and murder of lesbian daughter DJ Anna Cook

  1. Pingback: When a lesbian dies: the search for justice for Nicole Saavedra and DJ Anna Cook | Listening to Lesbians

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