Tag Archives: Marriage equality

Ghana: Military lesbian couple got married, have been detained and face court martial

A Ghanaian military lesbian couple who got married over the weekend, have reportedly been detained and facing court-martial. 

In the videos shared online before their arrest, the ladies looked happy as they danced together while their guests cheered them on. 

The event led to divided opinions on social media as many asked why such “ungodly and abominable” event will be allowed in the West African country.

Continue reading: https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Ghanaian-military-lesbian-couple-who-got-married-detained-facing-court-martial-1070242 (source)

U.S: Teacher forbids student with lesbian mothers from speaking in favour of same-sex marriage


A married lesbian couple in Michigan say their daughter’s teacher banned her from writing a speech about marriage equality for fear that it might “offend somebody in the class.”

The school district is investigating the incident.

Angela McDermitt-Jackson and Chris Jackson married in 2015 and are raising Destiny McDermitt, their 17-year-old daughter who is a junior at Hill McCloy High School in Montrose, Michigan.

Destiny’s teacher assigned her class a “Take a Stand Speech” in which students were told to speak in favor of or against a social issue important to them. Having two mothers, Destiny said she wanted to speak in support of same-sex marriage.

Destiny and other classmates claim that the teacher forbade her topic over worries it might offend other students. When Destiny asked whether the teacher could inquire if the topic offended her fellow classmates, the teacher declined her request.

The teacher also reportedly said she didn’t want to read or grade such a paper.

“No, we’re not going to do that,” the teacher reportedly said in front of the class. “I don’t want to hear about it, I don’t want to read about it, and I’m the one who has to grade it.”

Destiny was so upset that she contacted her mother Angela while still present in the class. Later, Destiny wrote a letter complaining to school officials. Destiny has since been moved into a different class.

“[It] offended me because I have two moms [who] are married and I really thought it was inappropriate,” McDermitt wrote. Her mothers, aunt, grandmother, grandfather, niece, and younger sister all support her.

Continue reading: https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2020

U.S: Lesbian Expelled From Christian College For Marrying Another Woman


Joanna Maxon of Fort Worth, Texas was almost able to complete her degree from Fuller Theological Seminary last year. The 53-year-old was studying for a master of arts in theology, and she only needed a few more classes to finish her degree.

Then she was suddenly expelled for being in a same-sex marriage.

“I was approaching the end and looking forward to graduation and all that stuff,” Maxon told NBC OUT. “To have that taken away unexpectedly — I was a really good student — I was devastated by it.”

Maxon attempted to resolve the issue with the college directly. But since that was unsuccessful, she’s taking them to court. Her attorney filed a federal suit in California, where Fuller’s main campus is based, last week.

Continue reading: http://gomag.com/article/woman-expelled-from-christian-college-for-marrying-another-woman/ (source)

International Lesbian Day: Nigerian lesbian and Namibian lesbian marry in the Netherlands


Mona is from Namibia, while Judith is from Nigeria.

In attendance were prominent lawyers, activists, and persons who flew in from the U.S., EU, UK, and Canada. Family and friends were also present including lots of LGBTIQ+ persons.

The wedding was officiated by renowned Nigerian gay reverend, Rev. Jide Rebirth Macaulay, founder of House of Rainbow, an LGBTIQ+ affirming faith-based organization.

Continue reading: https://nostringsng.com/nigerian-lesbian-couple-marries-netherlands/ (source)

Editor’s note: We have included this article as Lesbian Resistance, because homosexuality is illegal in the countries where both Mona and Judith come from.

India: Lesbian couple in Ajmer seek protection from kin


Two women, wanting to get married, sought police protection against their families in Ajmer on Tuesday because their families are opposed to their alliance. Both the women want to live together and have vowed to marry in future.
The two 20-something graduates have been friends since the past four years, the police said. At first, their families were happy to see their friendship and were glad that they were focussing on their studies instead of men. But when the parents learnt that the two are lesbian, both the families protested and allegedly threatened the girls with dire consequences.

Continue reading: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com

Mexico: lesbians forced to live as sisters for 30 years seek legal protection as they age


Sara and Carmen are false names. They use them because they don’t want to make their identity known, but Sara and Carmen are a couple of Mexican lesbians who have been together for over 30 years. They live in Tabasco which still has not passed equal marriage legislation.

Mexico is not a good place for diversity and so they have been posing as sisters for neighbours and some friends for 30 years. … One of them has diabetes, in addition to an amputated leg and other ailments that mean her life may be nearing its end. That would mean that one of them would be a widow without any pension and without being able to control her possessions.

“On this occasion they decided to make the trip to another state instead of processing an amparo that takes 12 to 18 months in Mexico City to finalize equal marriage, because one of the members of the couple is very sick , and there is no time to wait for a judge’s decision. With the money raised (from a neighbourhood activity) the couple will be supported with their transfer, the witnesses and the expenses of the procedures, because what is sought with the legalization of the union is to guarantee the rights of the pension and inheritance of assets that they have achieved in 30 years of living together, ”said the president of the Community Center for Inclusion AC Armando Cornelio Dionisio.


Sara y Carmen son nombres falsos. Los utilizan porque no quieren dar a conocer su identidad, pero Sara y Carmen son una pareja de lesbianas mexicanas que llevan juntas más de 30 años. Viven en Tabasco y allí aún continúa sin aprobarse el matrimonio igualitario.

México no es un lugar agradable con la diversidad y, por eso, llevan estos 30 años haciéndose pasar por hermanas para vecinos y algunos amigos. … Una de ellas tiene diabetes, además de una pierna amputada y otras dolencias que hacen que su vida pueda estar próxima a su fin. Eso supondría que una de ellas quedaría viuda sin pensión alguna y sin poder tener dominio sobre sus posesiones.

“En esta ocasión decidieron hacer el viaje a otro estado en lugar de tramitar un amparo que se lleva de 12 a 18 meses en la Ciudad de México para concretar el matrimonio igualitario, debido a que una de las integrantes de la pareja, está muy enferma, y ya no hay tiempo para esperar el resolutivo de un juez. Con el dinero recaudado (de una actividad vecinal) se apoyará a la pareja con su traslado, el de los testigos y los gastos de los trámites, pues lo que se busca con la legalización de la unión es garantizar los derechos de la pensión y de herencia de bienes que han logrado en 30 años de vivir juntas”, ha declarado el presidente del Centro Comunitario para la Inclusión A.C. Armando Cornelio Dionisio.


Continue reading at: http://www.mirales.es/una-pareja-de-lesbianas-se-hace-pasar-por-hermanas-durante-30-anos/ (Source)

(LVD) Japan: Lesbian Couple To Sue Government to Stay Together


Lesbian couple Ai Nakajima and Kristina Baumann (pictured) are one of ten same-sex couples who are expected to file a joint lawsuit next month against the central government to challenge its current law prohibiting them from getting married.
Ai Nakajima of Yokohama wed her partner German Kristina Baumann in Berlin two years ago, but after presenting their German marriage certificate to be listed on the Japanese ancestral register, their application was met with a resounding ‘no’.
Nakajima said told Japanese newspaper The Asahi Shimbun that while the current reality was difficult, she and her wife plan to challenge how her native country sees same sex couples.
“We are facing a reality where a same-sex couple cannot get married in Japan,” she said.
“We would like to challenge the current situation with the lawsuit, which will also be helpful for a number of people from sexual minorities,” Nakajima said.

Continue reading: https://qnews.com.au/same-sex-couples-to-sue-japanese-government-for-marriage-rights/ (source)

(LVD) Japan: Forbidden marriage, lesbian couples rebel


Chizuka Oe and Yoko Ogawa have been living together for 25 years. But in attempting to formalize their union by a marriage act in a Tokyo borough hall, they knew in advance that they would suffer an end of inadmissibility.
This lack of recognition weighs on the daily lives of the two women. At the funeral of Mrs. Ogawa’s mother, relatives looked at her companion with an evil eye. “They did not know anything about her and asked who she was, I was tired and sad to have to explain that we were a lesbian couple, just like an ordinary heterosexual couple.”
For her, it is certain, “if there was a legal system of marriage between people of the same sex, it would have been easier”.

Chizuka Oe et Yoko Ogawa vivent ensemble depuis 25 ans. Mais en tentant de faire officialiser leur union par un acte de mariage dans une mairie d’arrondissement de Tokyo, elles savaient d’avance qu’elles essuieraient une fin de non-recevoir.
Cette absence de reconnaissance pèse sur la vie quotidienne des deux femmes. Aux funérailles de la mère de Mme Ogawa, des proches ont regardé sa compagne d’un mauvais oeil. “Ils ne savaient rien d’elle et m’ont demandé qui elle était ? J’étais fatiguée et triste de devoir expliquer que nous étions un couple de lesbiennes, tout comme un couple hétérosexuel ordinaire”.
Pour elle, c’est certain, “s’il existait un système juridique de mariage entre personnes de même sexe, cela aurait été plus facile”.

Continue reading: https://www.challenges.fr/societe/japon-interdits-de-mariage-des-couples-homosexuels-se-rebellent_642203 (source)

U.S: Lesbian married parents aren’t treated the same, legally, as straight couples


Half of married gay women in Minnesota are forced to adopt their own children under Minnesota law.
That inequity — man-woman married couples don’t have this hurdle — is a paradox, since same-sex married couples are supposed to have the same rights in the state. In 2013, same-sex marriage became legal.
The legal inequity is the result of other laws — with gender-specific language — that were never changed when same-sex marriage was legalized. Outside of gay-rights advocates and the affected parents themselves, the situation appears to have received little public attention, until now.

Continue reading at: https://www.twincities.com/2019/01/29/

South Dakota, US: lesbian widow fights for survivor benefits

Captain deb cady

A former Rapid City police officer has asked South Dakota’s Supreme Court to allow her to collect state retirement system survivor benefits after her wife, a former police captain, died of cancer.

An attorney for retired Rapid City officer Debra Anderson argued Tuesday to the high court that South Dakota’s previous unconstitutional prohibition against same-sex marriage can’t be used to deny Anderson the benefits.

Continue reading at: https://www.thetelegraph.com/news/article/The-Latest-Supreme-Court-to-decide-same-sex-13517495.php (Source)

Lesbian survival in rural Bundelkhand, India

deepshika (l) and abhilasha (r) in hamirpur

For the past six years, Abhilasha and Deepshika had endured forced separation, marriages to men they did not desire, humiliation and constant taunts from their families. Their “marriage by media” was the result of love, fear that their families might kill them, and confusion as they — and their lawyer — mistakenly thought that same-sex marriage was legal in India. It isn’t. In September 2018, the Indian Supreme Court judgement overturned a colonial-era law banning gay sex. The court stopped short of legalising gay marriage but, as Abhilasha and Deepshika’s story reveals, people in love are forcing a national reckoning in pockets of India long considered too parochial, socially conservative, or outright dangerous to consider the possibility that two women may want to spend the rest of their lives together.

Continue reading at: https://www.huffingtonpost.in/entry/in-rural-bundelkhand-a-lesbian-couple-tries-to-make-a-life_in_5c3c1289e4b0922a21d62164 (Source)

U.S: Social Security discriminated against lesbian after partner died, lawsuit says

A Washington woman whose lesbian partner died before same-sex marriage was legal in her state filed a lawsuit against the Social Security Administration on Tuesday for denying her benefits she would have been entitled to if they had been allowed to marry.

According to the lawsuit, Helen Thornton and Marge Brown were in a committed relationship from 1979 until 2006, when Brown died of cancer at age 50. The two women also have a son whom they raised since birth.

Despite being together for 27 years and raising a son together, the SSA denied Thornton survivor’s benefits on the grounds that they were not married before Brown died in 2006. However, the state of Washington didn’t allow same-sex marriage until 2012.

By withholding benefits, the lawsuit says, the federal government is discriminating against Thornton because of her sexual orientation.

Continue reading at: https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/

New Zealand: Lesbian couple “shocked” by Kiwi baker who refused to make wedding cake

Moe Barr, left, and Sasha Patrick had their request for a wedding cake refused by a Warkworth cake maker.

A same-sex couple is “shocked and upset” that their request for a wedding cake was refused by a Warkworth baker who said marriage equality was against her beliefs.

Moe Barr and Sasha Patrick both live in Brisbane, but since Australia had not yet legalised same-sex marriage when they got engaged last year, they planned their wedding at Waipu in Northland for next January.

When they approached Kath’s Devine Cakes in Warkworth to make the cake, “Kath” refused, saying despite the New Zealand government legalising same-sex marriage, she believed it was not correct and therefore she would not make the wedding cake.

Continue reading at: https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/weddings/105324741/lesbian-couple-shocked-by-kiwi-baker-who-refused-to-make-wedding-cake  (source)

Lesbian Miami Catholic school teacher fired for marrying girlfriend

The first-grade teacher, who had taught at the school for nearly seven years, returned to her job Wednesday after marrying her partner in a same-sex wedding ceremony over the weekend. That’s when she learned she was no longer employed.

Continue reading at: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/

Tanzania: Couple involved in viral lesbian proposal granted bail

Four people facing charges of engaging in homosexual acts have been released by the Mwanza Residents Magistrates Court despite an affidavit submitted by prosecuting asking that court deny them bail. ‘‘The ruling has been made today, December 15, by the Principal Magistrate in Charge, Mr. Wilbert Chuma after agreeing with the argument by the defence lawyers Mashaka Tuguta, Ogastini Kulwa and Jebra Kambole that the arguments submitted by the prosecution are weak and baseless before the law,’‘ read the ruling. The accused are Milembe Selemani, 35, and Janeth Shonza, a 25-year-old university student, who the state accuses of committing offences of lesbianism when they fit engagement rings despite both being women.

Continue reading at: http://www.africanews.com/2017/12/15/tanzanian-couple-involved-in-viral-lesbian-proposal-granted-bail/ (Source)


Australia: Lesbian claims Centrelink asked her to pay back $7k after SSM vote

The woman claims that Centrelink retroactively recognised her 2016 overseas marriage and then told her she was not entitled to the payments she had been receiving. Picture: Tracey Nearmy/AAP

A TASMANIAN woman was left shocked after Centrelink allegedly ordered her to hand back over her welfare payments following the legalisation of same-sex marriage in Australia. The unnamed woman married her wife overseas in 2016 and says that, because of this, Centrelink claimed that she wasn’t entitled to any of the family payments she had received over the past year and requested that she pay back $6600 in welfare she had been given. The woman’s partner is not an Australian citizen and lives overseas and the couple do not share finances. This meant that they did not satisfy the Centrelink requirements for a de facto relationship, which is why the Australian woman was claiming family tax benefits.

Taiwan: Taipei court rejects third lesbian couple

The Taipei High Administrative Court yesterday handed a setback to lesbian couple Jennifer Lu (呂欣潔) and Chen Ling (陳凌) when it decided the court cannot order local government offices to register their same-sex marriage.
They were the third lesbian couple to see their requests denied by the court since October last year, just nine days after the court rejected a similar request by Liang Tzung-huei (梁宗慧) and Chu Pei-shuan (朱珮諠).

Continue reading at:  http://www.taipeitimes.com/News


Australia: Centrelink website tells lesbian that same-sex marriage isn’t legal

Photo source: www.pinknews.co.uk

A BRISBANE woman has been left furious after a glitch on Centrelink’s website saw a message appear informing her that her marriage to her wife was “not recognised”.

Continue reading at: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/gay-marriage/centrelink-website-tells-woman-samesex-marriage-isnt-legal/news-story/f1aada89525d927e0a2b8ad5e593873e

Bulgarian lesbians are fighting to have their marriage recognized

A trailblazing lesbian couple in Bulgaria have become the first to fight for having their marriage recognized. Lilia Babulkova and her wife, who goes by the initials DK, could set a court precedent in the battle for recognition by an EU court for their union being officially recognized as marriage in Bulgaria. They married in the UK last year and they have already filed a request to their local government, Sofia Municipality, to change their marital status on their identification cards. They were soon informed that they will be unable to do so because Bulgarian constitution defines marriage as a union of one man and one woman.

Continue reading at:  http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2018/01/03/lesbian-couple-sue-bulgarian-court-in-first-ever-fight-for-same-sex-marriage-recognition/ (Source)

TUI ruins lesbian couple’s nuptials by saying same-sex wedding isn’t allowed


Ashleigh, from Spalding, Lincolnshire, said: ‘I can’t believe that TUI would discriminate against us like this. They knew we wanted a beach wedding and that we were a same-sex couple. ‘I don’t want to book the beach they have offered us as it means that we wouldn’t be able to have all our friends and family there.

Continue reading at: http://metro.co.uk/2017/11/03/tui-ruins-lesbian-couples-nuptials-by-saying-same-sex-wedding-isnt-allowed-7052324/?ito=cbshare (Source)