Tag Archives: Lori Lightfoot

U.S: Conservative pundit says lesbian mayor proves that liberals aren’t “sane”

Image courtesy of Sarah Ward

A rightwing pundit said that it’s not “sane” that Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) was elected since she’s a lesbian and that there’s “something seriously wrong with her judgment” because she married another woman.

Dave Daubenmire – who was the keynote speaker at a Harrison County, Ohio Republican Party fundraiser last year – attacked Lightfoot on his Pass The Salt Live webcast on Monday.

“I want somebody to tell me how that woman gets elected any place, anywhere,” Daubenmire said, showing a picture of Lightfoot and her wife.

“How could any sane person elect that woman to be head of the city?”

“This is the picture that the city of Chicago wants to send out to the world as the leader, as the top political leader in their city?” he asked. “You tell me that we’re dealing with sane people.”

He then made sure that everyone knew he was talking about the fact that she’s married to a woman.

“We’ve gotten in this mess because we haven’t pointed out the obvious. Listen, folks, there’s something seriously wrong with this woman if she would marry that other woman. There is something seriously wrong with her judgment.”

Continue reading: https://www.lgbtqnation.com

U.S: Republican preacher hits out at ‘demonic’ lesbian Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot


E.W. Jackson, who was the Republican Party nominee for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia in 2013, hit out at Lightfoot after her victory in the April 2 runoff election.
Speaking on radio show The Awakening on April 3, Jackson said the mayor-elect’s comments are “a satanic, demonic twisting of language.”
The Conservative pastor commentator said: “Chicago just elected a lesbian woman, and she got up and said, ‘We’re showing the world it doesn’t matter who you love.’
“I almost get nauseous every time I hear that because we know that’s a euphemism for, ‘It doesn’t matter who you have sex with.’”
He added: “They’re not talking about love, they’re talking about who you have sex with. And specifically, they’re saying it doesn’t matter if you have sex with someone of the same gender.
“The euphemism is just disgusting. It really is, because this is a satanic, demonic twisting of language.”

Continue reading: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2019

Update: Chicago Elects Lori Lightfoot as Its First Lesbian Mayor


In a runoff election, Lori Lightfoot has been elected the mayor of Chicago today. Announced by Associated Press on Tuesday night, this makes Lightfoot not only the first Black female mayor in the city’s 182-year history, but also the first lesbian.

Continue reading: https://www.out.com/politics/2019

Original Article:  U.S: Lesbian mayoral candidate targeted by lesbophobic flyers

U.S: Lesbian mayoral candidate targeted by lesbophobic flyers


Chicago mayoral candidate Lori Lightfoot denounced homophobic campaign flyers targeting her that surfaced around the South Side over the weekend, saying “hate has no place in Chicago.”
Lightfoot, who is openly gay, made the comments at a City Hall news conference Monday morning where she accepted endorsements from several labor unions, including the organization that supports CTA workers.

Continue reading: https://www.chicagotribune.com/

Update: Update: Chicago Elects Lori Lightfoot as Its First Lesbian Mayor