Los Angeles: Lesbian couple brutally bashed, with one beaten unconscious by group of five

Image courtesy of Sarah Ward

A group of five people brutally bashed a lesbian couple in a Los Angeles restaurant on 29 October.

The incident occurred at around 3am when Sabrina Hooks and her girlfriend, identified as Morgan, walked in to the Jack in the Box on Imperial and Figueroa and sat down.

A group of people walked in after them and one of the men started taunting the lesbian couple, commenting on their attire and lifestyle.

Continue reading at: https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/lesbian-couple-brutally-bashed-and-beaten-unconscious-by-group-of-five/#gs.wKL8hmA

One response to “Los Angeles: Lesbian couple brutally bashed, with one beaten unconscious by group of five

  1. Healing energies to the two precious sisters. Indignant and righteous anger that this happened to them.


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