Tag Archives: Alison Bennington

Ireland: Free Presbyterian minister criticises DUP over lesbian candidate

A video has emerged that shows a Free Presbyterian minister criticising the DUP for selecting Alison Bennington to stand in the council elections.
Ms Bennington, the DUP’s first openly gay politician, was elected to Antrim and Newtownabbey Council on Friday.
In Rev Greer’s sermon from 21 April, prior to the local government elections, he said that Christians were “being conditioned into thinking that things that were once reprobated are now acceptable… such as sodomy.”
He described that as an “agenda”.
“Now we have the DUP putting up their candidate, who is an out-and-out lesbian, that’s what I mean,” he said.

Continue reading: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-politics-48205618 (source)