Brazil: young lesbian attacked and left for dead survives with permanent injuries

August 2020:
Fourteen teeth pulled out, a broken jaw, a deep cut on the back of the neck and head trauma were the external marks of the beating suffered by Thaylanne Costa Santos in October last year [2019], when she was 17 years old.
But the blows she received left even more profound consequences: a victim of homophobia, she awaits justice while taking five drugs to treat neurological problems, seizures and a depression that prevents her getting out of bed.

Thaylanne returned home by bicycle after a party in the city of Formosa (281 km from Goiânia) when she was surrounded by three men armed with a machete, a concrete bar and a stick. 

After being beaten, Thaylanne was left unconscious in a puddle of mud. As it was late at night on a busy street, she was not found until hours later. Her condition was so serious that she had to be rescued by a helicopter from the Fire Department, which took her to a city hospital before being transferred to Goiânia.

In addition to taking care of the wounds, the doctors had to suction her lungs, because she had inhaled a lot of blood and dirty water. The stick and the concrete bar were close to her head, stained with blood. “The doctor said that the cut above the back of the neck was made by a machete, which only didn’t kill her because they must have been blind,” says Luciana. 
( Translated)

Fundraiser for Thaylanne Costa Santos:

Quatorze dentes arrancados, o maxilar quebrado, um corte profundo na nuca e o traumatismo craniano foram as marcas externas do espancamento sofrido por Thaylanne Costa Santos em outubro do ano passado, quando tinha 17 anos. Mas os golpes que recebeu deixaram sequelas ainda mais profundas: vítima de homofobia, ela aguarda justiça enquanto toma cinco remédios para tratar os problemas neurológicos, as convulsões e uma depressão que não a tira de cama.

Thaylanne voltava para casa de bicicleta depois de uma festa na cidade de Formosa (a 281 km de Goiânia) quando foi cercada por três homens armados com um facão, uma barra de concreto e um pedaço de pau. 

Depois de espancada, Thaylanne foi deixada desacordada sobre uma poça de lama. Como era fim de noite em uma rua sem movimento, ela só foi encontrada horas depois. Seu estado era tão grave que precisou ser resgatada por um helicóptero do Corpo de Bombeiros, que a levou para um hospital da cidade antes de ser transferida para Goiânia.

Além de cuidar dos ferimentos, os médicos precisaram aspirar o pulmão da garota, que acabou ingerindo muito sangue e água suja. O pau e a barra de concreto estavam perto da cabeça dela, sujos de sangue. “O médico disse que o corte acima da nuca foi de um facão, que só não a matou porque devia estar cego”, diz Luciana. 

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One response to “Brazil: young lesbian attacked and left for dead survives with permanent injuries

  1. Thank you for covering this story. So many times we don’t end up hearing about the traumas inflicted on women like this. In part because globally women’s rights have been stagnate since the late 1800’s. Just crazy my heart breaks for her.

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